This function takes the information stored in a format catalog, and converts it to a data frame. This data frame is useful for storage, editing, saving to a spreadsheet, etc. The data frame shows the name of the formats, their type, and the format expression. For user-defined formats, the data frame populates additional columns for the label and order.

# S3 method for fcat, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)



The format catalog to convert.


Row names of the return data frame. Default is NULL.


TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether converting to syntactic variable names is desired. In the case of formats, the resulting data frame will always be returned with syntactic names, and this parameter is ignored.


Any follow-on parameters.


A data frame that contains the values stored in the format catalog.


# Create a format catalog
c1 <- fcat(num_fmt  = "%.1f",
           label_fmt = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"),
                             condition(x == "B", "Label B"),
                             condition(TRUE, "Other")),
           date_fmt = "%d%b%Y")
# Convert catalog to data frame to view the structure
df <-
#       Name Type Expression   Label Order
# 1   num_fmt    S       %.1f            NA
# 2 label_fmt    U   x == "A" Label A    NA
# 3 label_fmt    U   x == "B" Label B    NA
# 4 label_fmt    U       TRUE   Other    NA
# 5  date_fmt    S     %d%b%Y            NA

# Convert data frame back to a format catalog
c2 <- as.fcat(df)
# # A format catalog: 3 formats
# - $date_fmt: type S, "%d%b%Y"
# - $label_fmt: type U, 3 conditions
# - $num_fmt: type S, "%.1f"